Better than a birthday party!

That's how Acadian described our ziplining canopy tour yesterday since the boys had so much fun and got soda afterwards. That was the highlight of the day for all of us. Acadian was so light that he could just go full speed. Unsurprisingly Kyusik and Bryce were both really good at it, and I was the worst. I had to pull myself across two of the lines at the end because I had my braking hand too far forward. We also really enjoyed the Crocodile Park. Bryce had joked about being able to pet a croc, which we scoffed at, but it turns out that we were able to hold a 6 month old baby croc. After about 1 year, they get too big and dangerous. I was awed by how massive some of them can get. I also found it very interesting that they open their mouths wide and leave them agape for long periods to cool down their bodies. The smaller ones also crawl over each other and huddle together for warmth. We skipped the opportunity to go crocodile cage diving. Perhaps we should have taken advantage of the chance though, since I have only heard of shark cage diving. 

Despite wearing our waterproof jackets and shoes, our visit to Vic Falls left us thoroughly drenched. We foolishly decided to forgo our waterproof pants, thinking it would be too hot. We got progressively wetter during each of the 16 viewpoints until we reached the end and had to wring out our socks and dump out all of the water that had collected in our shoes. It was lovely to take our shoes and socks off afterwards during high tea at the Vic Falls Hotel. The grounds of the colonial hotel were lovely, but the food was terrible. Up until our lunch during our canoe safari and our Zimbabwean dinner today, the meals have been pretty dismal. The worst were the housemade "nachos" at a brewery, with the only redeeming items on the menu being the beverages and the mac and cheese. The server quickly caught on to Acadian's sassiness after he commented on the drink he liked best of the beer flight Kyusik was served and later remarked that we shouldn't be charged for the bacon that never came with his mac and cheese. 

Although the boys and I were quite tired and still a bit jet lagged after such a full day yesterday, Kyusik had the grand idea of walking across the Vic Falls Bridge. We all begrudgingly got out of the car and were surprised that the immigration office gave us a free bridge pass even though we had forgotten our passports. Although we got pretty soaked on the way to the bridge, we were treated to some beautiful views of the falls and even got to cross over into Zambia. Today we spent a really lovely day doing a game drive in Zambezi National Park before canoeing in the Zambezi River. It was especially indulgent to have 3 guides and a vehicle to ourselves, be served coffee, bananas, and muffins on the hood of the safari jeep beforehand, and then be given the royal treatment after getting out of the boats. We put our shoes back on while sitting on four chairs that had been set up by the bank, where we were also handed a towel to wipe our feet and cold drinks of our choice. The boys have never had so much sugar in their lives, with soda and juice two days in a row and milkshakes almost every day since we arrived. 



  1. Sorry that in general, the food has been disappointing but glad you were able to make it back without your passports.


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