A regular day by Bryce

    Here’s what I do on a regular day at the cottage. First, I wake up at around eight to nine. Then I start doing my thirty minutes of the math workbook that Mommy got for me. Depending on when Mommy gets up to make breakfast, I either do my thirty minutes of my world history book, or do it after breakfast. After I finish my math and my history book, I get to play thirty minutes of Prodigy. Prodigy is a math game where you battle with magical spells and catch monsters. Sometimes I also have to do a blog post like this one. We usually eat lunch at the cottage, but sometimes we go out to eat. Sometimes we go out to the store, called Pick ‘N’ Pay to buy ingredients. Then, we have to exercise. We do twenty push-ups a day, and either swim laps in the pool or run. The pool is very cold because it is not heated. Then I can play Pokémon or Minecraft. During the day, when we have nothing else to do, we build pillow forts and play around with pillows. We have dinner, and on special occasions, dessert, which is usually cookies. If Daddy is available we might be able to watch a movie. Then we go to bed. Some things that I learned were that most people are poor here because of corruption, the food is not that good, and most restaurants only accept cash. Some things that I’m looking forward to is constant electricity, good wifi, yummy food, and being able to sleep in my bed again.

Below are some pictures of us having lunch at the Queen of Hearts


  1. So the cottage comes equipped with a dog?

  2. Glad to hear about your daily routine, Bryce (I thought you were the author of the previous blog but it was written by Acadian). I should have known that you would provide a detailed report, especially explaining Prodigy. Also I am pleased that you are working on your upper body strength! The food in the photos looks fine but you must be missing the gourmet food you are used to in SF but you will be home soon.

  3. Glad you've gotten used to the routine, and I'm sure you're looking forward to going home.


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