Last 2 days in Thailand

At breakfast I discovered a new dish called cao yum or spicy rice salad, which is eaten in the south. It’s a yummy mix of rice, vegetables, turmeric leaves, and dressing to which you also add curry paste according to your spice tolerance. The rice is blue from the pea berry flowers with which it is cooked. On the 2nd day of the workshop, I presented the Director of the Division of Vector Borne Diseases with a Malaria Elimination brochure. She suggested we take a selfie with it. The man is the former DVDB director who now works as a consultant. At the end of the workshop we took another photo. This time I got to sit with the VIPs on a chair. Since our flight to Bangkok was delayed and also didn’t depart until 10 pm, I spent the afternoon shopping, visiting a temple, and eating with the malaria program chief and her team. Nui and I did not get to Bangkok until almost midnight. We stayed at a nice hotel by the river so we could go for a walk in the morning before she had to fly home to Chiang Mai. I managed to squeeze in one last massage. This time it was a Thai herbal massage. I’m now on a flight to Taipei to make the long journey home. I can’t wait to get back. I miss Kyusik and the boys so much. 


  1. Quite a trip combining work, site seeing, dining, shopping and receiving numerous massages.
    I'm sure the boys are most eager for your return.


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