πŸ‘Ί πŸ’₯ 🚌—————————————————————

Sho, me on da bush and me get off 3 shtop rite? But me look and wait for parent gesh wut? Day weren’t dare! Sho me go back on bush and go awl da way to da lasht shtop, en den back to da 3 shtop! Lucilly dis time day were dare. 


               Da End 


  1. Please translate into English.

  2. For the record, this was published with permission from his dad, not me. And since we were in Busan, it was his grandparents who were not at the bus stop. The camp had forgotten to tell us the bus schedule had changed to an hour earlier.

  3. Ha! I hope you enjoyed your extra time on the bus!


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