Back to back belated b-day parties and back to school

Last Monday-Tuesday, Bryce had freshman orientation. On Tuesday, he showed up at the same bus stop as 2 middle school friends of his: Frankie and Isa. Frankie's mom has a Vietnamese rice noodle company that supplies products to Thistle, and I used to work at UCSF with Isa's mom. The Saturday before school started, Bryce invited 4 middle school friends to see Wolverine and Deadpool. Kyusik treated them all to drinks and popcorn, which ended up costing more than the discounted tickets I'd bought at Costco that also included $60 in food vouchers. Afterwards Acadian and I met them for ramen in Japantown and Japanese soft serve. (Thai tea and kinako were the flavors of the month.) 

The next day, we celebrated Acadian's birthday 3 months late with a pool party in Burlingame. This is one of the few public pools on the Peninsula, and all SF public pools are indoors because it's never warm enough. Although I'd called and asked in advance, when we arrived the front desk told us we weren't supposed to have a party but then let us in anyway. There were around 35 guests with parents and siblings, and we had bought 100 lumpia (Filipino springrolls) and a big tray of noodles, in addition to Korean ice cream fish that served as dessert. We drove my running friend/former colleague Jeny's 9 year old son Sawyer there and back since she was dropping his older brother off at Cornell. On the way back, after Sawyer told us about how his dad liked to accelerate fast in his car, we thought Kyusik should demonstrate how fast the Tesla can go. Just as he floored it as we were getting onto 101, the car went beserk and told him that he needed to stop driving immediately. We had to pull over on the side of the highway and call Sawyer's dad to rescue us b/c the tow truck could only fit 2 people. I accidentally closed the passenger door at one point, and since the battery wasn't working, we thought the tow truck wouldn't be able to tow the car. Luckily Kyusik managed to open the trunk and crawl through to open the door again. He had to wait around 2 hours for AAA to tow him to the nearby Burlingame Tesla service center. It turns out that they had installed the wrong part the last time the car was serviced in SF. 

Unfortunately, we ended up missing most of the Korean dinner we were supposed to have with David Yu and his new husband, a Polish professional pianist, who were both visiting from Berlin. We told the boys that they could have screen time after they proved to us that they'd eaten some noodles, and these are the photos that we were sent. 

I'm also including photos of the boys' first day of school on Monday. Can't believe Bryce is now in high school and Acadian is in 5th grade. 


  1. Long overdue Blog entry. I'm stressed out learning about your day.

  2. Nice photos! Sorry to hear about the Tesla ordeal.


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