The Italy Trip by Acadian

On the first day in Italy, we got off of the plane and walked to our super fancy hotel which was only a few minutes away. Once we got there, Daddy tried opening the door to the reception but it was locked and he had missed the doorbell that said very clearly, “RING HERE”. Daddy went around the building and Moun, Frog Pet, and I spotted the doorbell and called Daddy over. He soon came back and after a few rings of the doorbell, they opened the door and let us in. It air conditioned which was something we were not used to because in Switzerland, they don’t like using AC because it’s bad for the environment. There was also some sparkling water that we drank in the reception area while we waited for Daddy to check us in. A man who worked there showed us our room and when we got in, there was only space for three people and he asked wether we wanted another bed for me or if I would sleep with Moun and Daddy. We decided that since the bed would cost extra, I would sleep with Moun and Daddy. Then, we went to the garden and ordered drinks. Frog Pet and I accidentally had each other’s drinks and we only realized after we were half way done. We then went to a nice restaurant where we only got the best pasta in the world which is really sad. 😭 We got back to the hotel after dinner and when we got in bed, I kept saying I needed more space even though I had taken up about half of the bed already. 😈

On the second day, we woke up and got ready for another day in Italy. We had a very fancy breakfast in the very fancy hotel. I didn’t finish a lot of my food because I took more than I could eat, so we wrapped it up for later. Daddy went to get the car while Moun, Frog Pet and I stayed in the room and finished packing our things. Then, when Daddy came out, we tried to go out a gate that was really close to the car but it was locked on both sides and we had to go out the way we came the other day. The car he rented was a gray BMW and we hopped in after putting our bags in the trunk. Daddy drove us to a nice lunch place at a farm while Moun, Frog Pet, and I played a little Duolingo. Daddy went ahead while Moun and I tried to find a bathroom. We looked in the store where you can buy all of the farm’s products, but there was no bathroom there. Then we went down a very short dirt road with some small stone buildings and we asked a woman where the bathroom was. She told us that it was in another stone building and pointed to it. We went to the bathroom and soon came across where Daddy was sitting. The menu was in a QR code so Moun and Daddy scanned it to get the menu. After we ate lunch we went and fed some goats we found in some stables. Then we went to Montalcino and Pienza. Next we went to dinner on the way to the place we were staying and had some really good food. When we finally got to the place, it was 11 pm! We went to our room and went to sleep

On the third day, we had breakfast at the hotel and went to the pool. Then for lunch, we went to San Gimignano and had super good sandwiches. It wasn’t only the sandwiches though, it was also the owner of the shop who was really nice. We left and went to a cheese and wine tasting. I was able to taste an actual sip (not a taste) of wine because there was a can to spit it out. We drove back to the hotel to swim and starve because the restaurant wasn’t serving food anymore.

On the fourth day, we had breakfast at the hotel and left the hotel to go to Siena. When we got there Moun had to go pee so we found a bar and also got some drinks. After that, we went to the duomo which is a church and looked around there. Then we got lunch at a place with bigger but not as good sandwiches. some guy showed up and since we were sitting in front of a vacant store because there were no chairs, he said why don’t we move because we were blocking the window and what if he wanted to buy something then we’d have to move. We didn’t move because no one came to buy anything. Then we got some water and Moun insisted on getting one because she thought we only needed one. Then we went to gelato and it started raining after so we went to a museum and Frog Pet and I made Memojis. Next, we went to a torture museum which was very interesting and was the only thing that kept us entertained. We soon had to go to dinner which was ok. We went back to Florence and stayed at a place called Casual Hotels. We had two rooms and went to sleep.

On the fifth day, went to a different duomo and also went up a tower. We had pizza for lunch and gelato. Then for dinner we had Florentine steak and pasta. Next we went to gelato but I couldn’t finish mine.

On the sixth and final day, we got drinks and went to a market and got olive oil. Then we went and saw David by Michelangelo. Then we went to a lunch place called Il Borro. After that, Frog Pet and I played video games for a while. We put our bags away and played more before going to the airport.


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