4 days until departure

Welcome to our blog, where we will be sharing photos of our travels. Stay tuned for travel musings from the boys!

We finally got an appointment with a travel nurse. She was very flustered by our complicated travel itinerary and put us on hold at one point to talk to her supervisor. We will all need the typhoid vaccine, antimalarials, and antibiotics just in case. At the moment, Kaiser doesn't have any openings for our vaccine, so hopefully they can squeeze us in before we depart on Friday. We are also hoping to meet Aunteater at the international departure terminal as she is in town for a whirlwind 3-day trip.

I just learned today that in addition to the Rocca Fellowship from the UC Berkeley Center for African Studies, I also got a Simpson ABD (All But Dissertation) Fellowship from Global, International & Area Studies!

We have been pretty frustrated because we have had to rebook three of our flights at the last minute when the airlines cancelled our flights with the only option to get refunded and then buy more expensive tickets. Luckily the hotel in Joberg agreed to make an exception and refunded us for one night since we now have to fly to Victoria Falls a day earlier than planned. 


  1. OMGeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you guys!!!! We are so excited to read all about your amazing adventures! Safe travels, and send lots and lots of pictures!


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