Dress code and limited wardrobe

This is our last night in the Bulawayo Club before we depart for Joberg, where we will stop over before our flight on Saturday am to Capetown. I thought I’d share a sign outlining the dress code here. Fortunately they don’t enforce it since the only shoes the boys have are plimsolls, sandals, and bush boots. (I have some flats for work.) We tried to minimize what we packed so we only have 3 pairs of pants, 5 pairs of underwear, 5 pairs of socks, etc. This has necessitated the washing of socks and underwear. The lack of heating has meant that our things take several days to dry. While I was at work today, Kyusik and the boys visited the art museum and a craft store. We have now tried all of the inns except Baker’s Inn. They also have a chain of restaurants called Chicken Slice and Pizza Slice, which the boys said was better than Pizza Inn. Here are some more photos

of the club and the first of two trips we’ve now made to Creamy Inn. We are looking forward to having more food choices in South Africa. We were also advised to stock up on dry goods while we are there bc all of the nonperishable food comes from South Africa. In Zim you then have to pay a lot more. For example, Kyusik informed me that the shortbread cookies we bought at the Joberg airport were about 3x the price at a grocery store here. We have also had to pay for everything in either USD or credit card bc the Zimbabwean dollar is so unstable. Zimbabweans mostly use Ecocash (similar to a debit card) because Zimbabwean dollars are in such short supply. You will also see from the photo that a lot of the USD have been in circulation for a long time and have seen much better days. While we were on the road from Vic Falls to Hwange, we listened to several podcasts about the crazy inflation and devaluation of the Zim dollar. In 2008 inflation exceeded 900%. People stopped being able to trust the banks with their investments, favoring the NMB (National Mattress Bank) instead, when many banks closed, leaving their customers with nothing. 

I can’t seem to respond to comments. Here’s what people ordered at my team dinner last night: pasta with bacon and chicken carbonara (Bryce), chicken cordon bleu (me), spinach ravioli (Acadian), chicken schnitzel (Kyusik), and peri peri chicken. 


  1. Never heard of a hotel's dress code (except for covering up swim wear). Hope your clothing is in "good taste." Exorbitant prices.

  2. You need to stay on the 2nd floor and not go down to the 1st floor.

  3. Hope your underwear is synthetic so it doesn't take forever to dry.

    1. Yes we specifically bought quick dry underwear but unfortunately they don't make them for kids, or at least not any that we could find.


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