The Awesome Safari🦁🐡πŸ₯πŸ¦…πŸ—πŸŠπŸ˜πŸ¦ƒπŸΎ


Today we got up to have breakfast at the Bayete. I got an omelette like usual, plus a fruit platter. After we ate breakfast we went back to the room and packed our bags. Then, we walked to the car with all of our bags and we drove for about 2 hours and then we got to a little sandy road and daddy had a little trouble driving on it. Once we finished driving up the sandy path, we got to a new fancy hotel called Ivory Lodge and we were introduced to our guide (his name was Bones) and the manager, Joel. Then, he said we could go to see the giagantic herd of elephants. We got so close we were about a foot away from them. Daddy took lots of pictures and Bones said that they had very good hearing. After we were done looking at the elephants we went back and had lunch I also got some lemonade. After we ate lunch, we got dessert which was this nice fruit cup. Bones said that we were staying in a little treehouse because then the lions couldn’t get us. He also said we were going to go on safari at 3:30. So, we went to our treehouse. I have to say it was actually pretty FANCY it had a bath AND a shower but Bryce and I didn’t get an electric blanket which is not fair because Mommy and Daddy got one. Then, we put our bags down and we put on some safari clothes. We got out of the treehouse and walked to the safari truck and we saw SO many animals and Bones basically had all the facts on them. Some of the animals we saw were elephants, birds, impala, bushbucks, buffalos, wildebeests, and baboons. We also saw some termite mounds which are made out of the termite’s saliva and soil. After a little bit, we ate a little snack and it was very good because we got a Minute Maid and some popcorn. Then, we went back to the hotel and Bones gave us some ponchos because it was really cold. Once we got back to the hotel, we got some dinner. We also got some dessert which was pudding.Then we went to the hide one more time. But if you think that was the best of the best, you should read on.


Today we woke up at 6:00 and I didn’t get that much sleep. We got out of bed, brushed our teeth and put on safari clothes. When we got outside it was pretty much FREEZING so we had to get some layers on. Then, we met Bones at the lodge and ate some biscuits (cookies) and some black milk tea.After we were done eating, we got in the safari truck, put on our ponchos and we left around 7:00 and we started driving around seeing lots and lots of animals like more elephants, impalas, bushbucks, steenboks, baboons, 2 crocodiles, and birds. We also got some breakfast which had a breakfast sandwich, yoghurt, and cranberry juice. We got back into the safari truck and saw more animals like black backed jackals, waterbucks, lions, and more birds.Then, we went to eat lunch which was pasta, beans, beet, and meat. I also got a Coke andBryce got an Orange Fanta. We also got a tropical Minute Maid. After that, we went back into the safari truck and saw the lions again. Then, we went back to the lodge. While we were going back, the other safari truck’s tire popped so we had to go back to help them. After that, we saw some spotted hyenas. When we got back to the lodge, we had dinner and dessert. While we were having dinner, I had a tummy ache and I couldn’t finish my dinner or dessert. Now read on!


Today was our last day with Bones and we only got a little bit of time with him. We woke up at about 6:00-6:30 and I got some English Breakfast with scrambled eggs.Then, we got into the safari truck and saw some more animals like this gigantic herd of buffalo and more birds. Then, we went to see some painted dogs. There were only two because some of them got rabies or were killed by predators. Their names were Lucky and Peanut. We saw the employee feed them beef. Apparently Peanut had a broken leg (the front left leg) and sometimes could not keep up with the rest of the pack. We then went back into the safari truck and drove back to the lodge and went back to the hide one last time but there were no animals there which is a bummer. We got in the car to leave and Bones drove us to the main road so we could drive. We drove to Khami Ruins in Bulawayo, looked around there, and a guide told us about Khami Ruins. After that we went to a new hotel called “The Bulawayo Club” and set our bags down there. Then, we went to bed.


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