The hike to Victoria Falls

     Today we went to a new hotel called “The Bayete”. The room is a lot nicer than the previous room, but the bathroom is a downgrade. In both hotels we went to before this, there was a shower and a bathtub, but this new room only has a shower. To make matters worse, it’s all open, with not even a shower curtain for privacy.

    After we checked out the room, we went to breakfast, but by then it was already lunchtime, so I don’t know if I should call it breakfast of lunch. I got some bacon, eggs, and tomatoes which also came with some bread. It was pretty good.

    Next, we hiked to Victoria Falls. We saw a bunch of cool rainbows, and even a double rainbow. The rainbows formed because of all the mist, and the mist made us all wet and cold. It was such a relief to have a hot shower when we got back to the room.


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