Ziplining in the treetops

    Today was a lot of fun. We first had breakfast at our hotel, but it wasn’t that good. Then we rode in a truck to get to the ziplining area, where we put on the zipping gear and helmets. There were nine different ziplines, and each had a platform at the end which connected to the next zipline. The views were very good, and speeding by on the ziplines was super fun. At the end, our two ziplining guides gave us Cokes.

    After ziplining, we went to a place called crocodile park. A guide taught us about each of the animals there (besides just crocodiles there were also snakes and lions) and we even got to hold a baby croc! Daddy held an albino snake, and we saw lots of crocodiles. The guide told us that there are 30000 crocodiles in the whole park. We also saw the crocodiles in different stages, because if all of the crocodiles are together, the bigger ones would eat the smaller, younger ones. In the snake area, one aggressive viper kept banging on the glass, trying to bite us, because since snakes are half-blind, they can tell were things are by seeing where the shadows are.

    Next, we crossed Victoria Falls bridge which connects Zimbabwe and Zambia. It was very wet because of all the spray, but the views were worth it. We walked across the bridge and then came back. Daddy and mommy took lots of pictures, and daddy also let me borrow his rain jacket. There was also bungee jumping off the bridge, but all of us were too scared. 

    Finally, we had dinner at a place called The River Brewing Company, and the first five pages of the menu was just different types of alcohol drinks. The last page had the food. We ordered food, but the only thing good there was Acadian’s mac & cheese. We also got some hazelnut milkshake, which was very yummy. It was so dark out by the time we were done eating that Acadian tripped and fell. He got some painful-looking scrapes on his right hand and knees. 


  1. Ziplining looks fun! I'm surprised your mom didn't bungee jump off the bridge. I love the photo of you holding the crocodile.

  2. Wow so neat to see crocodiles at different stages. Plus I had no idea that snakes are half-blind. A hazelnut milkshake sounds yummy.


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