
By Bryce

In Tokyo we did many things, and the main thing we did was eat Japanese food. There were 5 big highlights of Tokyo. The first one was a shaved ice place. The shaved ice place had many interesting flavors, but these are the ones we chose. Me: strawberry shortcake Mommy: matcha Daddy: chestnut and Acadian: chocolate raspberry. Mine came first, and in all the shaved ice were little chunks of sweet stuff to add texture. I liked mine the best. Another place we went to was a yakitori restaurant. It was very fancy, and the food was good. Yakitori is chicken that is cooked on skewers. I got chicken skin yakitori, egg yakitori, thigh and onions yakitori, and some rice. The chef serving our food said that we were polite and told Acadian that sticking his chopsticks in his rice was offensive to some Japanese people. After finishing, he walked us out the door. The third place was a curry restaurant. It had tonkatsu and tempura with the curry, and it was really good. My favorite was the tonkatsu curry and rice. Another place was a Pokémon Center. We didn’t eat food there, but we did buy stuffed Pokémon there. After that, we went to a tempura place. They fried fresh vegetables and seafood, and other meat. It was all delicious. I liked the shrimp tempura the most. The place was run by a family and the chef was a second generation tempura chef. The main tempura chef talked to Mommy and Daddy about SF and told them he had a friend who ran a sushi shop there, but he had died, and so his son took over. Mommy and Daddy said they would try to try that sushi place when we were back home. It all happened on the same day as the Pokémon store, so one of the helpers talked a little to us about Pokémon and she said that she liked Pokémon too. In the end, she gave us Pokémon stickers as a present. The end.


  1. Mmm, you're lucky to get to taste so much good food. Japanese shaved ice is awesome!

  2. Interesting flavors of shaved ice. I see that the author is also obsessed with food as well as Pokemon. I'm glad to learn about not sticking my chopsticks in my rice the next time I dine in a Japanese restaurant.
    Grammy aka "206"


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