Back to Asia

After getting home the evening of the 31st, I was off again 3 days later on a work trip to Thailand. The 20 hr trip took me first to Taipei, where I had to jump the transfer line to make my next flight with about 15 min to spare. I stupidly decided to check my suitcase and was very dismayed to find EVA had lost it. Hopefully they will find it in the next day or two. Luckily I packed two spare pairs of underwear and my Thai colleague Nui, who lives in Chiang Mai, is staying at the same hotel. I took the Airlink train 25 min into Bangkok for about $1.50 and then transferred to the sky train to get to my hotel a few stops later. Picked up an earl grey milk tea with boba for $2.50 and then checked in. These are not Japan or Zimbabwe prices! Nui loves to eat and explore so it’ll be fun to spend the weekend with her and helps to compensate for the fact that I’m gone for 11 days. But it still stinks to have left Kyusik and the boys so soon after we just got back and for so long. I hope they will be intact by the time I get home. The lunch place where we ate was some hole in the wall with a Michelin star that specializes in fried chicken, which we ate with sticky rice, a spicy pork soup, som tam or papaya salad that also included corn, and a yummy fried fish. Afterwards we walked to a nearby park and then got fresh coconut juice on the street and an iced Thai dessert with longan syrup. 


  1. Incredible travel schedule you are experiencing. Must be difficult having to adjust to all the time changes. Hope you have been reunited with your luggage by now. Remember our trip to Tibet when we didn't have our luggage for at least 5 days? That was when I learned to travel with only a carry-on. Hope the boys are surviving without you...


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