
We went to Teotihuacan on Mommy’s birthday, but Daddy had to work so he had to stay behind. We brought an umbrella because it was really hot outside. We took the metro to Autobuses del Norte and bought some tickets for the bus. Since there were multiple buses, we found the right bus after asking some people which bus it was. It took about an hour and a half to get to Teotihuacan. There were two temples, Temple of the Sun and Temple of the Moon. Before we went to see the temples, we both went to the bathroom. After we were done going to the bathroom, we started walking down the Avenue of the Dead. It was really long, so we didn’t go all the way from the start to the end, but we did most of it. The Temple of the Sun was bigger than the Temple of the Moon, so we looked at the Temple of the Sun first. Then, we went to this shrine with these big stone snake heads which obviously weren’t real. When we finished looking at it, we went to this wall and ate a little snack in the shade. Our tour took a while because I had to keep stopping for Mommy when she read the signs. Then, it started getting super hot, so we walked down the Avenue of the Dead to the exit and got an orange Fanta to drink on the way back. When we were going back on the bus, it broke down, so we had to get into another bus that pulled up in front of the bus that broke down.


  1. Thanks for the great description of the site. We are looking forward to following in your footsteps in 2 weeks.


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