The Temple with Monks and Nuns

By Bryce

Mommy and I woke up at five and finished packing up. We left the Paradise Hotel and had to walk in the rain to get to the metro. Then, we rode the metro to a stop, where we got off and walked to the train station. But then we had to wait because Mommy thought she forgot the tickets but then the people in the information center found them for her. Then, we got on the train and I played Minecraft where I mined some sheep. I also watched Star Wars Visions and Arcane. Then, we got off, and took a bus to the town near the temple and then we got a ride from a driver in a van. We went to our room and set up our mattresses. We couldn’t figure out why the key card wasn’t locking the door but later we found out that you need to insert a battery that they provided into the lock. So after that, we went to another building and watched two videos about the monks. After that, we went upstairs and a guy named Mr. Kim taught us about Buddhism and we made necklaces out of one hundred and eight beads. When we finished, we walked around the other buildings in the temple and got to ring a bell. Then, we had some Korean soup with rice and kimchi for dinner. Later, we had some tea and blueberries with a monk who told us to smile all the time.


  1. The big barrels store soy sauce, gochujang (a red pepper paste), and doenjang, a bean paste often used in soups. We did not wake up at 3:30 am for voluntary chanting, as our guide instructed us that we should not set an alarm. Bryce was too tired and also had a cold to join me for breakfast at 6 am. Afterwards, I went on a solo hike to the summit, where there is a burial ground and structures that I could not photograph.

  2. Sooo interesting: the architecture, the beads, the food, the vest, the bells.


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